$ 20.00 USD
Dolphin Pod / Delphinus capensis  Animal Essence

Love Fest; Healing Waters

The very special dolphin essence works on all of the chakras, and brings us into that space of love.  We can love unconditionally, as we remember that oneness and unity with everyone and everything. It also reminds us to play and be light hearted.  The powerful dolphin essence is also good for helping to clear and activate waters- of any size, including that water that we ourselves are made up of.

Read the story of making DolFUN ~ Being Love.

DolFUN ~ Being Love is an ingredient in: Happy Kid, Happy Kid Spray.

"Awesome... I am excited to give this to my husband for his bday. Love the fact that this comes from our beautiful local Lemurian waters. Thank you!"
- Susan, Port Hueneme, CA.