Happy Equinox ~ And Eclipse Sandwich

Star Riparetti
Dear Friends and Galactic Family
We are in the midst of a 16 day window of eclipse energy that began with the full moon eclipse on March 13 and goes through Saturday March 29. Yes, we are in the midst of an eclipse sandwich.
Thursday March 13: Total Lunar Eclipse at 9:58PM CDT
Thursday March 20: Equinox at 4:01AM CDT
Saturday March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse at 3:47AM CDT
A few days ago on the night of the Lunar eclipse I took a long time customer from Canada that I had never met before, out on our Crystalline Lake Ouachita  to see the full moon.  
She took me up on my invitation to visit Hot Springs that was in the previous Star Essence newsletter. 
Photos can emit energy… Here it is..
Full Moon rising over Lake Ouachita
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We have a Lavender Full Moonlight Essence, that can help during the intensity of the full moon.
My favorite spin doctor- Patricia Cota Robles (I love her interpretations of what is going on and always listen to her weekly vlog)   is having an equinox meditation that you can join —  Patricia Cota-Robles' YouTube   at 1:PM Central time
Keep in Heart that everything we do affects the whole, and when we are doing these meditations - we are greatly affecting it in a positive way!  And taking some essences while you are at it can amplify the energy.  The Andean Orchid Anchoring Light is a great one for that.
I'm finding myself heading more and more into divine neutrality, because I simply don't know what the truth or the answers are right now, so (most lol) of my strong opinions are waining. I do have strong feelings about what's right for me.- and that's about it.
Essences can help keep the peace within us, and there are many that address that.   Holy Harmony Spray is a useful essence to have on hand to help with keeping peace and harmony. Another is  Vortex of Harmony.
It's very beneficial to be in Nature as much as possible these days. One of the essences I'm finding super helpful for myself right now is the Orchid essence called Nature Communion.
Trichoceros parviflorum  Andean Orchid Nature Communion

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I've been having a lot of head awareness lately, (aka headache) and I suspect it is due to the strong energies,  ascension symptoms and the like- as well as not being in Nature as much as I'd prefer, during the cold weather.  The Nature Communion essence helps with this head awareness.  We've been known to call it a hike in a bottle. (Also helps when you've been at the computer too long.)
A reminder that our sale on all concentrates- buy four and get one free, is over tomorrow night - Sunday March 16th at midnight. (you have to write which free one that you want in the comments on your order.  Don't add it to your cart)  And remember that orders over $88. ship for free (in the US)
I  encourage you to purchase concentrates and create constellations for yourself, friends, family, clients.
Remember that the Clear Quartz Gemstone Essence from our Chakra Gemmie collection is great to add to a constellation to amplify it.
A wonderful long time essence friend and Star Essence practitioner (and many other things) Vicki Albin, sent this photo of her lovely Star Essence Bar.
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Happy Equinox, y'all!  
and Galaxies of Love,
~Star and the Star Essence Team

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Build your own Star Bar/Essence Pharmacy

Star Riparetti

Dear Beautiful Friends and Galactic Family~
Turning 80 this year has been a profound milestone—and I feel even more freedom than ever before . Someone recently shared a beautiful perspective with me: If you're alive, you're young. I'm embracing that philosophy wholeheartedly.  
Recently I received this beautiful email from a customer, practitioner, member of the Star Essence Galactic Family, -Kriste Messal- and I asked her if I could share it…
February 5, 2025
Dear Star,
A few weeks ago, I had a dream...I was standing in a bubble with darkness pressing around me.  I saw a glitter of violet light and heard a tiny whisper and that was all of the dream.  That dream impression stayed with me, nudging me to seek understanding and one day while contemplating it, I sat at my art table and “followed” that nudging which became the “Amethyst Crystal Mountain Wisdom” painting.  Even after it was done, for days I kept looking at it and feeling like it had something to say to me.  Eventually I thought, if it's important for me to know, it will be revealed and I let it go.  Last night, I was intuitively drawn to take Rhodochrosite drops (from my recent Star Essence order) into my dreamtime.  I woke up this morning with pieces of that “whisper” in my heart and began to write it out.  As that process unfolded, I then felt called to make up a water bottle with Rhodochrosite, Divine Messenger and Rhyolite but it didn't feel complete until I went and stood in front of my essence cabinet and Amethyst Violet said “add me” and of course that only made sense! 
... Amethyst Violet:  St. Germaine graces this Amethyst essence with his energy, bringing the violet ray of transmutation, alchemy and transformation. A protective essence, it assists with geopathic stress, transmutation of negative energies and cleansing the aura. Opens the crown chakra to receive energy from higher chakras and spiritual insight into highly refined aspects of higher potentials, divine love, mastery of thought and inspiration.... 
Star, thank you for the gift of your Love & Light in the world.  I am grateful.
Rhodochrosite, Divine Messenger, Rhyolite and Amethyst Violet...this is the Star Essence powerhouse blend that opened me up to the complete message as follows:
Amethyst Crystal Mountain Wisdom
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CKM Art 1-29-25
From “Dreams that Speak” series
There is a whisper above the crushing noise of the world.  Like a faint light it offers a way out of the chaos that wants to paralyze the flow of all that is good coming through me.  Chaos, its purpose...to crush, no, even worse... to unravel hope, unnerve faith and undermine the potential of what I believe is possible for humanity.  Everything within me turns toward that whisper on the wind.  “Yes, show me the way so I do not lose myself in this chaos but instead thrive through it.” and she, the mountain, reveals herself in amethyst glistening beauty, her whisper now a thread to follow.  She says “Child, do not try to fight this dark tide alone. Find your way to me, come rise above it, sit upon my shoulder and together let us lay upon that darkness the full measure of love as we know it.  Let it be a gentle, healing mist to cover a wounded world.”
Carol "Kriste" Messal
Moon & Mist Vibrations, CKM Art
contact her about her art and gorgeous journal with her writings!
As I reflect on my new chapter, a new season,  I'm honored to continue to receive a continuing abundance of information and insights surrounding the Star Essences. These are truly made for these transformative times. New Vision and Clarity – Literally! I recently had cataract surgery, and I'm thrilled to see clearly again!  This period of recovery, planetary shifts, and snowy weather has given me lots of time for deep contemplation. And it all keeps coming back to one thing: the importance of the essences and sharing them more widely.
I feel so grateful to be surrounded by them, and to offer them at our complimentary  Star Bar at the Star Portal. It is such a gift that I want to encourage you to start building your own flower essence bar, too!
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0ur team- Karla, Barbara, Star, Satya~ in front of the Star Bar
Build Your Own Essence Pharmacy
Reading Kriste's message exemplified the
thought that keeps resurfacing about the value of having your own essence concentrates to create personalized blends (or as we like to call them—constellations!). While pre-made dosage bottles are convenient, having a collection of concentrates offers you a deeper connection to the essences, and  allows you to:
  • Make your own custom combinations
  • Refill your bottles anytime
  • Share essences with friends, family, and clients
  • Save significantly—one concentrate can make 40-60 dosage bottles
Here's a short video on how to make a dosage bottle from a concentrate (it's an older video, and still valuable!)
If you are in a hurry you can always take the essences directly from the concentrate bottle.  It's just not as economical as making a dosage bottle. Or, of course if you know you won't get around to making up bottles, purchase  dosage bottles.  I've been there, too!  (which is why I sell both)
Special Offering
To encourage you to start building your own essence pharmacy, we're offering:
One FREE concentrate for every four you purchase (excluding sets, which are already discounted).  
Offer is good through March 16, 2025 at midnight wherever you are.
Please note the free one that you would like in the notes section of your order.  Don't place it in the cart, or you will be charged.
To find concentrates, click on drop down menu where it says size.
Having a variety of essences on hand is  empowering—it allows you to meet different needs in any moment. 
Additionally, when you order, you can request a free bottle of our sacred healing water "starter"—originally received from Patricia Cota Robles and Era of Peace, and enhanced through over 30 years of activations. Most recently, we amplified its energy with 500 lightworkers at the World Congress on Illumination—a true quantum leap!
(You can receive it for free from us by requesting it when you place an order,  or directly from Era of Peace.)
I love having a collection of essences on hand to support different moments in life. If you're looking for inspiration, consider starting with a set of orchids, or browse the ingredients in some of our constellations to make your own constellations.
(our constellations are only sold in dosage size, and you can purchase concentrates and make your own)
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Me with essence cabinet at my house
Important Update & Offerings:
Practitioner Course: I'm choosing to focus on updating and relaunching my online course this year instead of hosting an in-person class.  There will not be a class in June.  Stay tuned—an in person class could happen next year. It's been a dream to host a class/retreat here in Hot Springs, with the most amazing water.
The Magic of Lake Ouachita:  I deeply feel that part of my mission is to connect others to the crystalline Lake Ouachita.  This wonder-filled lake offers a crystalline baptism and high frequency transmissions!   While a class/retreat isn't scheduled yet, if you find yourself near Hot Springs, AR, reach out!  I'd love to help you experience the magical energy of the lake. And, of course, stop by the Star Portal for a visit!  Our space features a labyrinth, a creek, our Star Essence store, with a complimentary Star Bar, where you can make your own essence cocktail. It's a high-vibe haven, and we'd be delighted to give you a tour. Visit us at www.thestarportal.com (sometimes the site is up-to-date ) or contact me directly.  We also have 7 Cintamani Wish Fulfilling Jewels, and that's another story, coming soon.
Thank you for being a part of this ever-expanding field of light, transformation, and essence magic.
With Galaxies of Gratitude and Love, and Crystalline Blessings,
Star and the Team

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Happy Full Moon Today and Happy Valentine's Day Friday

Star Riparetti
Dear Beautiful Friends and Galactic Family~

Happy Full Moon in Leo today - This powerful moon is all about confidence, self-expression, and stepping fully into your power. May your heart be filled with love, courage, and radiant joy. 
We accept our divinity and our divine potential!
Our Love Lover Beloved Spray reminds us of this.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Have a Happy Heart 
 Our Valentine's Special ends on Friday, February 14th at midnight wherever you are.  If you haven't already~ Take this opportunity to bring more love and magic into your life with these heartful essences.
Trilogy of Love Special 
Purchase any three essences
from this list that we have curated to support you on this journey of love, unity and renewal, and receive a fourth one FREE!
(6 receives 2 free, etc) Just let us know your selection in the comments of your order or send us an email at bliss@staressence.com (please don't add it to your cart, or you'll be charged).
💖 One Heart  – Acceptance, Love, Unity
💖 Radiant Sensuality – Love Charm
💖 Emerald – Heart Chakra Activation
💖 Doorway to the Heart (San Pedro Cactus) – Opens the heart wider than ever before
💖 Intimacy – Graceful Vulnerability; Feeling Safe to Be Close & Seen
💖 Initiation of the Heart Light (Pink Lotus) – Ignite the Threefold Heart Flame
💖 Man Alive – A Vital, Virile, Invigorating Elixir
💖 Holly - A catalyst for Love
💖 Gold – Christ Heart Consciousness
💖 Love Lover Beloved Spray – Resplendent Bliss
💖 Beloved Anointing Oil – Enchanting & Provocative; Inspires Free Expression of the Heart
💖 Blue Lotus Temple – A Holy Sacrament
💖 Blue Lotus Temple Spray – Enter the Sacred Heart
💖 Brave Heart – A go-to essence in uncertain times
💖 Plant Love – For your plants (Spring is coming!)
Celebrating Love!
I just returned from four magical days of chanting! kirtan with Sean Johnson and the Wild Lotus Band in Asheville, NC—the perfect way to celebrate my 80th birthday!  Truly, the best birthday ever… and I've had many great ones. Life just keeps getting better!
 I'm still reveling in the Bhakti Bliss
A Gift from Rumi 💖
"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere,
they're in each other all along."
This beautiful line inspired a song by Sean Johnson and the Wild Lotus Band called
 In Each Other All Along (from the Mystery album).
Check it out—it's a heart-opening delight!
Infinite Abounding Galaxies of Love,
❤️ Star and the Star Essence team ❤️

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Love Prevails!

Star Riparetti
Dear Beautiful Friends and Galactic Family~
We're sending BIG February LOVE to everyone! 
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Barbara, Satya, Karla, Star
Meet the Goddesses of Star Essence
As many of you know, Roslyn came in 2 years ago and saved the day, and—after a little universal nudge (aka a broken wrist, reminding her to slow down)—spent six months training Satya and Karla. Now, she's happily soaking up the sun in Florida, ready for visits whenever we need a dose of warmth!
So here we are:
 Satya & Karla – Our operations goddesses, handling shipping, bottling, and customer service. (They also do Kirtan, one of my very favorite things! - so it's a match made in heaven.)
 Barbara – Our technical guru goddess, (and much more) who recently traveled all the way from Kansas to help with our new computer setup and some other tech magic. Barbara has been supportive to me and to Star Essence for over 25 years, starting in Santa Barbara.
Happy Hearts! ❤️
I love February—Valentine's Day sits right at its heart, a perfect reminder to embrace love in all forms.
A Year of Shedding & Renewal 🐍
This Year of the Snake invites us to shed the past, release the old, and rediscover who we are NOW. It's a great time to open our hearts and step fully into love.
Essences for the Heart 💓
We've curated a selection of heart-centered essences to support you on this journey of love, unity, and renewal:
 One Heart  – Acceptance, Love, Unity
 Radiant Sensuality – Love Charm
 Emerald – Heart Chakra Activation
 Doorway to the Heart (San Pedro Cactus) – Opens the heart wider than ever before
 Intimacy – Graceful Vulnerability; Feeling Safe to Be Close & Seen
 Initiation of the Heart Light (Pink Lotus) – Ignite the Threefold Heart Flame
 Man Alive – A Vital, Virile, Invigorating Elixir
 Holly - A catalyst for Love
 Gold – Christ Heart Consciousness
 Love Lover Beloved Spray – Resplendent Bliss
 Beloved Anointing Oil – Enchanting & Provocative; Inspires Free Expression of the Heart
 Blue Lotus Temple – A Holy Sacrament
 Blue Lotus Temple Spray – Enter the Sacred Heart
 Brave Heart – A go-to essence in uncertain times
 Plant Love – For your plants (Spring is coming!)
🌿 Star Essences in Your Food? Yes! 🌿
A friend recently shared how she added essences to food while preparing meals, helping shift family dynamics with remarkable results. Many of these essences would be beautiful additions to your romantic Valentine's dinner!
Create your own trilogy of essences. 
Purchase any three essences 
from this list and receive a fourth one FREE!
(6 receives 2 free, etc) Just let us know your selection in the comments of your order (please don't add it to your cart, or you'll be charged).
This offer is good through Valentines Day February 14. midnight wherever you are.
A heartfelt round of G R A T I T U D E  to all of you—let's keep loving!
May you be inspired to revelry, glee, and rebellious JOY, and remember to live life exuberantly.
Let's shed the old, embrace the new, and move forward with love, light, and transformation.
Galaxies of Love,
Star and the Star Essence Team 💖
A Poetic Invitation to Self-Love 
As we embrace this season of love, let's remember the most important love of all—the love we offer ourselves. In the spirit of deep self-acceptance and renewal, we share this beautiful poem by Derek Walcott, "Love After Love"—a gentle reminder to return home to ourselves, to embrace the fullness of who we are, and to love the one who has been with us all along.
Take a moment, breathe it in, and feast on your life.

by Derek Walcott
The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other's welcome,
and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.

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Out with the Old - In with the BOLD!

Star Riparetti
Dear Beautiful Friends and Galactic Family~
Out with the Old - In with the BOLD!
That's my mantra for 2025—and you're welcome to make it yours, too.
As I prepare to celebrate my 80th journey around the Sun this February, I've found myself reflecting deeply on life. This milestone feels like a new season. What's my 10-year plan? Do I lean inward or outward? Do I wind down or wind up? Should I blast forward or hold back?
While contemplating, I received a clear and powerful message:
It's time to become the butterfly!
This means it's time to spread my wings and show my beauty unapologetically. It's about embracing The Freedom to Fly!
When I asked about the future of Star Essence, whether to wind up or wind down, the answer was immediate and emphatic: Vibrational Essences are the Primary Medicine of the 21st Century.
I know the answer within me: I have to go for it.
So here we go—winding up!
As we begin the 31st year of Star Essence, which started in 1994, it's time to elevate it to a new level.
2025: A Year of Self-Discovery
This year invites us to truly get to know ourselves and embrace our authentic selves.
Even after all these years, the journey remains a game of following your bliss. Pay close attention to your emotions—they are our guiding lights. By mastering them, we manifest our dreams.
Celebrate what you want to see more of.
Stoke the fires of what you love.
Cultivate peace and harmony within.
Essences to Support Our Intentions
Here are a few Star Essences to align with your goals and uplift your journey:  (and there are lots more)
Recharge and Nourish: A tonic and energizer.
Shield of Light Spray: Filters incoming energies.
Leap of Faith Spray: Bolsters your sense of certainty.
Inocencia Coca: Helps shift patterns.
Gorse: For envisioning a bright future.
Wild Oat: Clarity of direction and life purpose.
Totality: A cosmic initiation.
Divine Messenger: Facilitates angelic communication.
Complete with the Past: Closure for a fresh start.
Soul Purpose: Aligns you with your higher mission.
Project Catalyst: Kickstarts new endeavors.
Fly Like an Eagle: Offers a divine perspective.
Selenite: Expands your insights.
Rhodochrosite: Shifts patterns and opens the heart.
Special Offering: 11% off these essences through midnight Jan 25 (which happens to be a powerful alignment of planets…)
Big News: A Rare In-Person Class!
In my quest to embody the butterfly and embrace visibility, I'm excited to announce that I'll be teaching an in-person class for the first time in many years!
Dates: June 19–23
Location: Beautiful Hot Springs, Arkansas
You, my cherished mailing list family, are the first to know. Spaces will be limited, and you'll have priority before we open it to broader advertising. Let me know if you feel called to join—it will be amazing!  Lots more information in the next newsletter.
Cheers to a Thriving 2025!
Let's make this a fabulous year filled with growth, joy, and authenticity.
Galaxies of Love,

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Fire and Ice

Star Riparetti

Dear Beautiful Friends and Galactic Family~

What a way to start the New Year. Fire and Ice. An iconic, beautiful and huge portion of California is devastated. It's absolutely heartbreaking. I know they will rise, better and brighter… and in the kindtime, it's beyond horrific. The power of collective compassion makes a difference, and that is happening.

I've been thinking about what Star Essence might do.
I came to the conclusion that our Holy Harmony Spray could help. I made it for those times when you might want to say Holy S#%T. I'd rather call in harmony. It's good for peace during intensity, and for emotional emergencies.

And Quintessential Balance (drops), which I feel is a “rescue remedy” for the 21st century. It has many of the same ingredients as the Bach Rescue Remedy, with some additional ones. It's good for all kinds of emotional emergencies, and things that get us out of balance, It's good for kids, plants and pets, as well as adults, and it usually works very quickly.. I've just been guided to add to this offer Happy Pet (and happy wild critters, too).

Here is the special ½ price offer. Purchase 2 of the same essence, Holy Harmony Spray, Quintessential Balance or Happy Pet and we will send you 4. (yes, if you purchase 4, you will get 8 etc.)

They must all be sent to the same address. This does not work if you purchase one of each. It has to be two of the same essence- Holy Harmony, Quintessential Balance or Happy Pet. Don't place the extras in your order (or the system will charge you). For every 2 you order we will remember to send you 2 additional ones (and remember there is free shipping on orders over $88.00). It will be great to have as many as possible distributed to people who need them during these turbulent, fast changing times, which is why I encourage you to get several, in order to share.

Holy Harmony Spray: https://www.staressence.com/collections/sprays/products/holy-harmony-spray
Quintessential Balance: https://www.staressence.com/collections/constellations/products/quintessential-balance
Happy Pet Spray: https://www.staressence.com/collections/sprays/products/happy-pet-spray

More light is coming in and we are moving into higher states of consciousness ~ and it's the reason a lot of us chose to incarnate at this time. And, it can be very intense.

On the other hand…Hot Springs, AR seems to be the new Michigan, or North Dakota or something. Hot Springs gets an average of 2-3 inches of snow a year. We got 15 inches the night before last!

I've been working on a newsletter, which i will send out next week, and right now I can't get California out of my mind and heart. I spent my first 71 years there. My daughter's home burned to the ground in one of those big fires in 2008. It was traumatic. To say the least.

Next week I will share about my intensions for Star Essence for 2025. I'm excited about that! I have been reminded that Vibrational Medicine is Primary Medicine for the 21st Century!

I'm sending all the love and light I can conjure to everyone affected by those voracious fires, which are still burning! And praying for rain and the winds to stop.

Sending mega prayers out to all who are suffering, everywhere. Let's continue to hold the vision of Peace. Everywhere.
Galaxies of Love,

Have you taken your Star Essences today?

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'Tis the season! … Heaven and Nature Sing!

Star Riparetti
Dear Beautiful Friends and Galactic family~
'Tis the season!  … Heaven and Nature Sing!
So we've decided to have A one week Flash Sale as our gift to you.  From now until  Midnight on   December  21, the Winter Solstice, we have
A Super Special Deal!  
22% off Everything in our Store
on orders $77. or more.
 (with the exclusion of pairs and sets, 
which are already discounted)
Our lovely fulfillment goddesses, Satya and Karla, came up with some suggestions for you to consider for the holiday season:
And speaking of One Heart, this is a great one to spike the Holiday Nog  or the Holiday Punch with.
For Sprays they suggested 
And if you don't already have the Totality Essence that we made during the Total Eclipse, and the N.O.W spray (New Order of Wonder)  that we also made this year, consider them as well!
And of course everyone loves our Angel Rejuvenation Spray!!  ~ teachers, service providers, hair dressers, therapists, (could be one and the same lol) hosts and hostesses, coaches, neighbors, bosses, family of course ~ well, just about anyone.  Who do you like to give gifts to?
Then there is the Angel Anointing Oil, and the Angel Breath Mouth Mist. (and the other Anointing Oils and Mouth Mists) to think about.  
Also worthy of noticing, my book, Bliss and Blessings- The Divine Alchemy of Making the Star Flower and Gemstone Essences, is on sale for $1.11.  This is a real printed book, with purple ink and dozens of fonts and even some pictures.  
If you've ever wondered how I got into this essence ecstacy, the book has the long answer : ).
Remember that all orders over $88.00 ship for free.  (and the sale is on everything, not just our suggestions)
Stocking Stuffers!- all of these wonderfully high vibe essences fit so nicely in a Stocking!!!  We can't guarantee that these will get to you before Christmas, and we are standing by to ship them to you as quickly as possible, and holding the vision that they will : ), if that is when you want them.
Stay Grateful, Confident and Optimistic, dear friends, and filled with LOVE. 
Essences Help!  (Remember to take them!)
Know that the forces of Light are overpowering everything else. The power of LOVE is spreading.  
Happy Holidays and Galaxies of Infinite Love,
From Star and the Star Essence Team
Star, Roslyn, Barbara, Satya and Karla
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Have you taken your Star Essences today?

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It's always a good time to be Grateful!

Star Riparetti
Dear Beautiful Friends and Galactic Family ~
Happy season of Gratitude!  I am infinitely grateful to all of you who receive my e-mails!
This season of the world post-election is intense. There are so many variables - the only answer to anything right now seems to be to stay in the moment, the N.O.W. - the New Order of Wonder, and — stay in Gratitude, as we know that what we focus on we bring into form, and that is happening faster and faster.
We have a powerful essence that can help with the chatter- called I am Gratitude!
I highly recommend it to help stay in the high frequency of Gratitude.
The Andean Orchid flower essence called Faith and Courage is also great if you are feeling less than courageous sometimes, if you are experiencing any F.E.A.R. - False Evidence Appearing Real…I like that acronym…Also- Face Everything And Rise
In this season of food parties, I would also like to mention that the constellation of essences called Perfect Weight can be helpful.
Good through Dec. 3
Due to popular demand - we want to give you your favorite sale - our amazing SPRAYS - that are especially wonderful for your gift giving pleasure. They are such great presents! They make lovely hostess gifts. They last longer than a bottle of wine and are so uplifting!  Teachers love them, too.
Purchase 3 Sprays and get one free-  
(6=2 free etc.)
PLEASE PUT WHICH ONE (S) YOU WOULD LIKE FOR FREE IN THE COMMENTS WHEN YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER.  The complementary onew will NOT appear on your invoice. Our fulfillment goddesses will put them in your order.
Remember that orders ove $88.00 get free shipping.
Or get the whole collection and indulge yourself and others in a magical fragrant experience while you savor the whole array!  Save 33% when you purchase the ENTIRE SET OF 18 SPRAYS.
Here is a sweet poem about flowers to enjoy:
Flowers are our Teachers,
they encode all the Mysteries of Creation,
each and every part of their constitution,
their roots, stems, leaves, petals and seeds,
contains Libraries of Knowledge,
since the beginning to Time to Now and Beyond.
They are vast storehouses of vibrational Medicines,
and molecular vaults of atoms and bonds
that have the potential to create exciting new products.
Plants are our allies, our Guides,
they are our master textbook of mathematics and geometry
making visible the Invisible,
through their smell, their colours and their sheer magnificence.
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~ Jain 108
He teaches classes on sacred geometry. www.jain108academy.com
I encourage you to support small businesses, especially during these holy days.
Speaking of small businesses, my beautiful daughter Cara is a botanical artist.  Please check out her website and look at all the gorgeous gifts she has.  www.carasgarden.com
Her holiday shop will be open on Thursday
Happy Thanksgiving, - a day for giving thanks, and a thanks for giving day.
Galaxies of Gratitude and Love!  So much LOVE!
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I Am So Grateful
Have you taken your Star Essences today?

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Our Current Special Deal thru Nov. 9, 2024

Star Riparetti


Dear Beautiful Friends and Galactic Family ~
As we near the end of the year, we can reflect on the profound shifts since April's Total Solar Eclipse. We can marvel at all that's transpired since then. I know so many of us are feeling the new energetics, new codes new timelines, new octaves! It's all very exciting! What an amazing time to be alive. And we have essences to assist and to help make things graceful. (and we have a Special Deal when you scroll down.)

Here is a recap our newest essences that are so beneficial right now!

An important essence to take to support our ascension journey is TOTALITY- which was made during the Total Solar Eclipse that took place in April. It was made with a recently unearthed Crystal from Hot Springs Arkansas, on an island on the crystalline lake Ouachita (which has the biggest vein of quartz in the country running under it). Hot Springs, AR was directly in the path of Totality. It is also imbued with white dragon energy. It was one of those days when everything that could go right, went right.

TOTALITY: Cosmic Perspective; Effervescent Ecstasy; System Calibration; Epic Initiation, Activate Inner Codes.
Embrace radical new beginnings, releasing the old self and integrating the new. We honor our past and commit to new creations, staying true to ourselves. Expand with love and light intelligence to reach your highest soul calling. This essence supports our ascension journey, enhancing creative faculties and realigning our being. It encourages letting go of outdated parts and welcoming new aspects, allowing us to hold more light.

Then we have It's About Time made from the Thyme flower. This essence shifts us into higher timelines, helping us access new skills, mindsets, and heart-centered consciousness. This essence opens the heart chakra, fostering patience, love, and presence, aligning us with timelessness and the ability to navigate changes gracefully.

It's ideal for those feeling pressured by time, The It's About Time essence can shift our perception of time, easing stress over deadlines and time constraints. It supports adaptation to the current timeline changes, empowering a balanced, grounded presence across simultaneous timelines. It elevates us, fostering equilibrium and heart-centered responses to change. It empowers us to navigate new dimensions with love.
Take Thyme—It's About Time!

Another elgant and useful essence right Now is
Resilience ~ made from the Crimson Clover flower.
The Resilience essence promotes resilience and balance during heightened energies and rapid planetary evolution, aiding in light code integration and easing solar flare effects. It supports heart and root chakras, helping the nervous system adapt to higher consciousness with grace, guided by Mother Mary.

And- The much loved
NOW Spray- New Order of Wonder
Presence ~ Be Attentive, Amused, and In the Moment
Awaken your awareness. Embrace presence and align with the eternal NOW.
Harmonic Frequencies Guide Us To:
Enter the 5th dimension of well-being.
Thrive by staying present, where change happens.
Experience time beyond its limits.
Engage deeply in presence and cultivate consciousness.

A monumental awakening is upon us, guided by our divinity. This essence helps open celestial visions and access new realms, accelerating our ascension to become our solar selves.
We are transitioning to greater energy sensitivity, moving from concepts to practical presence. Understanding and loving our existence in the moment surpasses past and future reactions, enhancing self-awareness.
Essences in NOW: Thyme ~ It's About Time, Honeysuckle, Sacred Union, Snow Jade, Whale Time, Integration, and Violet Flame
Essential Oils: Peru Balsam, Bergamot, Lemongrass and Fir
Base: Activated Sacred Healing Water (no alcohol)
We have a Special Deal!
Purchase all 4 of these (3 essences and a Spray) for $64.00— You Save $20.00! (Regular price $84.00)
The essences are also available in concentrates for $70. You Save $22.00- (Regular price $90.00)
-(use the drop down menu where it says dosage and switch it to concentrate) -

To access the special, go to https://www.staressence.com/products/current-special
or just search "Current Special" on our website. You must order from this page to get the special deal.

Offer good through Midnight Saturday, November 9

Even with everything that is going on, let's remain optimistic that Peace in our Hearts Prevails.
I care for you all deeply, and send you
Galaxies Of LOVE

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Our Mission, Our Passion, Our Next Octave of Service

Star Riparetti
Hi, Beautiful Friends and Galactic Family ~
I recently returned from the 38th (and final) World Congress on Illumination held by Patricia Cota Robles and Era of Peace.  I am still in that exquisitely sublime state- after spending 5 days with 500 like hearted people in a gorgeous setting, meditating together.  Unity is expanding and gaining momentum in the collective. It's palpable and encouraging to see and feel.  
I love this video. It brings in the ascended masters and a whole host of Angels an Archangels, and the graphics are extraordinary! Keep your eyes open (as much as you can)
I love this quote from Ram Dass, which is how I felt at the congress.
“As you dissolve into love, your ego fades. You're not thinking about loving; you're just being love, radiating like the sun.”
I was using One HeartTotality, and the NOW Spray often during the event.  And of course Angel Spray and Angel Breath mouth mist-  which are always staples for me.
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Star in Tucson, AZ at the 38th annual world congress on Illumination
 (photo by  Connie Mitchell)
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Photo from the world congress on Illumination stage
Many of us are asking what our next level of service, what our highest mission is, in this new octave that we've entered.  I know I've asked, and the message I continue to receive is that we have barely scratched the surface of the value and uses of vibrational essences.  The collective is finally ready to dive deeper into the world of vibrational medicine and so much more will be revealed about them.  Now my Aquarian mind is swirling with ideas and information.
With this global transformation and shift in consciousness that is happening, and with the old versions of ourselves dissolving, essences can be of great value and assistance.
Here are some ideas for essences that could be supportive in these times of accelerated growth.  You can click on them for more information.
Integration-  Helps balance your mental and emotional bodies in preparation for emergence into 5th dimensional reality....
Inner Guru    Connect with your higher self
Creation Focus Creative vision, imagination,Life is how we dream it.
Deep Breath -  Conscious breathing is a key to our higher consciousness!   Breath is our direct connection to source,
Loving Thoughts   The most important thing, and the one thing we need to control- is our thoughts!  It is through our thoughts that we create everything.
Larimar - can open us to new dimensions
DolFUN - It's about BEING Love  (and fun and joy which are both very high vibe!)
 Click HERE for a link to a story about making this essence that you might enjoy.  And you can click HERE if you want to see the video of making it.
Also have a look at the essences which help cleanse and activate these important glands:  (I especially keep getting guided to keep taking the  Pineal Light Infusion (click for a great photo of the Orchid it was made from. It has a great doctrine of signatures!  It shaped like a pinecone. 
Purchase ANY 3 essences- drops and/or sprays (not just the ones I've mentioned) and receive a 4th essence- (drops or sprays- mix or match)  of your choice at no charge.   
Write which essence you would like as your gift in the comments when you place your order.   It will not show up on the invoice, and we WILL include it in your order. And remember, orders over $88.00 get Free Shipping.
If you have any questions, please contact Roslyn, our customer happiness specialist!  
Roslyn@staressence.com   phone: (413) 695-1116
Sending all y'all Galaxies of Love,

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