Certified Star Essence Practitioners
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Practitioners are listed by geographical location, and may also offer long-distance consultations via phone, email or zoom.
If you are a graduate of the Star Essence Practitioner Certification course and are interested in being listed here, please Contact Us.
Prescott, AZ.
Phone: (928) 771-1884 / P.O. Box 10253, Prescott, AZ. 86304
Flower essence practitioner for 20 years, with 5 certifications from Star Essence. Located in Prescott, AZ. for 10 years. I have no shelf essences. All essence blends are made for the individual who is to use them, then the blend is placed with some crystals to raise the vibration. The base water I use is Sacred Healing Water, which has been activated every new moon, full moon, solstice and equinox since January 1996. Very powerful. It is also given a Reiki treatment.A client says: "The moment I took Roland's flower essence I immediately felt the effect and the high integrity and vibration... Roland has a unique gift in creating these essences and I highly recommend them."
Sedona, AZ.
Phone: (805) 760-8399 / Website: www.TheOriginMedicines.com / Email: honoringspirit@yahoo.com
Laurel Lyons is a Psychic and Intuitive Counselor of 20 years. She is a “KorManu Master ~ “Blue Ray” Activated” and she is Certified Usui and Karuna Reiki Master. She has extensive study of the human anatomy to support her Craniosacral and Reflexology (Aricular – The Ears) work. She has developed a highly evolved, combined modality that she calls “CranioSacred” healing. She is a compassionate support Middle Being for The Creator. Laurel is an innate and instinctive alchemist of healing. She is as well vivid, lucid, courageous dreamer and visionary realist. She is a woman who appreciates Sacred Life Energy. Laurel holds a devotion to and love for plant medicine. She’s studied Aromatherapy for 20 years specializing in the Shamanic Ways of Scent and Aroma and working with oils for dream/vision work. Her apothecary line is called "Live Source Alchemy - A Violet Fig".
“I am so grateful to be a Certified Star Essence Practitioner and in honesty the experience continually and consistently changes my life. I had used Bach’s Remedies for years and found so much healing and soothing from them. When I discovered the Star Essence line I found it to be a totally different experience, fuller and more expansive … all healing in its ways. It’s amazing really, on the days when I utilize my Star Essence knowledge and grab an essence or three off of my shelves, not only does the day (my perception of the day) improve instantly, I know beyond a doubt that these magical vibration are at work and at play improving both subtle and profound aspects of my entire being. As a Certified Practitioner, I trustingly and lovingly want to share the experience with everyone."
Los Angeles area, CA.

Kriste Messal – Moonsinger
Tunjuga, California / Phone: (818) 314-6407 / Email: moonandmist@hotmail.com
I use Star Essences as part of my VIT (Vibrational Intuitive Touch) sessions along with creative visualizations, MP3's and the oracle cards I made to facilitate Sacred Space and access to the wisdom of self-healing.
We are "Soul-ar powered, Earth engaged beings," the co-creative essence with Spirit in our own lives. I believe we are meant to find healing and well-being for ourselves and share that knowledge with others.
Alchemy of Spirit stirs the waters of the Soul and invites you to "Blossom, it's your birthright... Manifest, it's your mission... Empower yourself, it's your healing."
Santa Barbara, CA.

Website: http://floradeva.com / Email: Jill@FloraDeva.com
Jill Frandsen, LMFT # 91194 is a certified Flower and Gem Essence Practitioner. Jill holds a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University and is a licensed Marriage Family Therapist in California. Jill has been a certified Clairvoyant Healer through Applied Intuition since 2010. Jill is the sole proprietor of FloraDeva Designs in the Santa Barbara area. Flower essences, similar to homeopathy, are the potentized biochemical signature of a plant that holds a vibrational frequency that can be used to raise your own biochemical frequency.
Jill has decades of experience creating personalized flower essence blends for clients. She is gifted at getting to the heart of the matter and will provide you a customized blend to help you transform, adjust, re-balance and stabilize.
Melrose, MA.

Website: www.shimmeringshantiyoga.com / Email: shimmeringshantiyoga@gmail.com
Sher Breen, E-RYT 500, is a wellness practitioner who offers yoga, meditation & energy work to empower others in their exploration of wellness & self-care. She is certified to teach Prana Vinyasa, Kundalini Yoga & Hatha Yoga and has completed additional certifications/trainings in Restorative, Yin and Trauma Sensitive Yoga. Sher is also a Level I iRest meditation teacher-in-training, Holy Fire & Lightarian Reiki Master and certified in Crystal Healing. She began using essences many years ago and has found them to be powerful, integrating them into her day to day journeys. Sher is an avid nature explorer, concert goer and travels every chance she gets.
New York
Little Falls, NY.

Phone: (315) 219-6921 / Website: www.heartofthespiral.com / Email: heartofthespiral@gmail.com
“Star Essences are by far the most effective line of vibrational essences that I’ve found. I feel joyfully privileged to share their marvelous energy with my community and the world.”Carol draws on more than 20 years’ experience to enhance her vibrational essences with frequencies of light, harmony, and wellbeing. Working with Peruvian shamanic traditions led her first to the Andean Orchid essences. After using them for herself, she expanded her personal supply of Star Essences and began to use them with her clients. She is now delighted to provide custom constellation blends. Besides being a certified Star Essences Practitioner, Carol is a Reiki Master, Sound Healer, Intuitive, and Mesa Carrier in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Universal Shamanism.
Portland, OR.

Phone: (541) 399-2602 / Email: emeraldjanewaters@gmail.com
After Star Essences’ peerless flower essences rebalanced and expanded her life, Emerald Jane, Portland’s flower and gem essence expert, took action in a way you may appreciate: She traded a countertop heap of moribund supplements for a cluster of sweet little blue bottles full of the most beautiful and romantic medicine on earth--flowers, in energetic form. Since that time in 1996, Emerald Jane has created an intuitive healing practice developed around flower and gemstone therapy exclusively. Her work with clients, both preparing comprehensive custom formulas and creating protocols, acts at the deepest levels and is transformational. She sees results she considers to be miraculous and is honored to share this magic with you--whether or not you live in Portland.Emerald Jane holds graduate degrees from The California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, in both Cultural Anthropology and Organizational Transformation. She has expertise in the areas of mental health, spirituality and personal development. She believes humor is the highest form of human expression and is charmed and entertained daily by her two teenagers and their happy little dog. Emerald Jane is a Seattle native.
Waxahachie, TX.
Vicki AlbinPhone: (818) 292-6787 / Website: www.babyssage.com / Email: bodyssage2@hotmail.com
My Naturopath introduced flower essences to me more than 30 years ago. As life often does, I was introduced to Craniosacral Therapy in Massage School and this new shift continued to engage me with natural remedies. Fast forward to 2009 when I began my training with The Four Winds Society, wholse foundation stems from PERU! (I adore all the essences from Peru!). When I found Star's name embedded in someone else's blog and read her website, I knew I just had to meet her. Synchronistically, a friend invited me to a gathering on "someone's land" and it sounded fun, so I went. Imagine my pleasure finding Star there! It was her land! I have been a faithful user and Practitioner of Star Essences ever since. I work with my clients using the flower essences to hold their shifts, and many have continued to order essences. Love Star's Flower and Gem Essences and personally use them every day!
Shanghai, China
Katherine Wong
Phone: + (86) 138 1710 461 / Email: katherinewg@gmail.com
After having several people tell Katherine how strong her energy is, she decided to research and explore different practices that deal with our energy. Since then, she has become a Reiki and Sekhem practitioner. In her healing sessions she incorporates Angels and Star Flower Essences to help people achieve a faster and more efficient healing. Coming from Peru, she also practices some traditional Peruvian healing methods, such as the egg cleansing. Her great, grand aunt taught Katherine this method when she was a young girl in Peru. Now she uses this technique to remove energy blockages. She also offers home and office clearing.
Calgary, Alberta

Phone: 403-852-9758 / Email: saage4u@gmail.com / Facebook: www.facebook.com/saage4u
Star Essences came into Cath’s life through a synchronicity. Once she experienced them she knew that they were meant for her own use and were a complement to her practice as they provided the physical piece she was seeking. Cath is a Star Essence Practitioner, Five Elements Practitioner, Crystal Healing Therapist, Reiki Master, and Angel Therapist. She has had many challenging life experiences and this has brought her to the healing path. She acknowledges that it is a privilege to be in service.