Happy Equinox ~ And Eclipse Sandwich

Star Riparetti
Dear Friends and Galactic Family
We are in the midst of a 16 day window of eclipse energy that began with the full moon eclipse on March 13 and goes through Saturday March 29. Yes, we are in the midst of an eclipse sandwich.
Thursday March 13: Total Lunar Eclipse at 9:58PM CDT
Thursday March 20: Equinox at 4:01AM CDT
Saturday March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse at 3:47AM CDT
A few days ago on the night of the Lunar eclipse I took a long time customer from Canada that I had never met before, out on our Crystalline Lake Ouachita  to see the full moon.  
She took me up on my invitation to visit Hot Springs that was in the previous Star Essence newsletter. 
Photos can emit energy… Here it is..
Full Moon rising over Lake Ouachita
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We have a Lavender Full Moonlight Essence, that can help during the intensity of the full moon.
My favorite spin doctor- Patricia Cota Robles (I love her interpretations of what is going on and always listen to her weekly vlog)   is having an equinox meditation that you can join —  Patricia Cota-Robles' YouTube   at 1:PM Central time
Keep in Heart that everything we do affects the whole, and when we are doing these meditations - we are greatly affecting it in a positive way!  And taking some essences while you are at it can amplify the energy.  The Andean Orchid Anchoring Light is a great one for that.
I'm finding myself heading more and more into divine neutrality, because I simply don't know what the truth or the answers are right now, so (most lol) of my strong opinions are waining. I do have strong feelings about what's right for me.- and that's about it.
Essences can help keep the peace within us, and there are many that address that.   Holy Harmony Spray is a useful essence to have on hand to help with keeping peace and harmony. Another is  Vortex of Harmony.
It's very beneficial to be in Nature as much as possible these days. One of the essences I'm finding super helpful for myself right now is the Orchid essence called Nature Communion.
Trichoceros parviflorum  Andean Orchid Nature Communion

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I've been having a lot of head awareness lately, (aka headache) and I suspect it is due to the strong energies,  ascension symptoms and the like- as well as not being in Nature as much as I'd prefer, during the cold weather.  The Nature Communion essence helps with this head awareness.  We've been known to call it a hike in a bottle. (Also helps when you've been at the computer too long.)
A reminder that our sale on all concentrates- buy four and get one free, is over tomorrow night - Sunday March 16th at midnight. (you have to write which free one that you want in the comments on your order.  Don't add it to your cart)  And remember that orders over $88. ship for free (in the US)
I  encourage you to purchase concentrates and create constellations for yourself, friends, family, clients.
Remember that the Clear Quartz Gemstone Essence from our Chakra Gemmie collection is great to add to a constellation to amplify it.
A wonderful long time essence friend and Star Essence practitioner (and many other things) Vicki Albin, sent this photo of her lovely Star Essence Bar.
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Happy Equinox, y'all!  
and Galaxies of Love,
~Star and the Star Essence Team