Made with the finest quality therapeutic, spherical and rounded gemstones available on the planet. The sphere represents wholeness and love and infinite potential; circles unify energy.

These Gemstone Essences (affectionately nicknamed "Gemmies") carry the color radiance inherent in each stone, which provides color therapy as well as the energetic vibration specific to each gem. They can nourish, purify, strengthen, balance and stabilize our subtle and physical bodies, including the chakras. They have been made co-creatively with the mineral kingdom, in partnership with the guardians of the stones (comparable to the Devas of the flower essences and Nature). Many Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters have also infused their energy into these essences.

There is much to learn about the infinite gifts from the mineral kingdom. Please refer to the many books and websites on the subject for more extensive information about each stone. 

Topaz, White

$ 20.00


$ 20.00

Tourmaline, Blue

$ 20.00

Tourmaline, Green

$ 20.00

Tourmaline, Orange

$ 20.00

Tourmaline, Pink

$ 20.00

Tourmaline, Purple

$ 20.00

Tourmaline, Yellow

$ 20.00


$ 20.00

Turquoise, Blue

$ 20.00

Turquoise, Green

$ 20.00


$ 20.00


$ 20.00