Happy Pet
...and Happy Wild Critters, Too!
Calming and Uplifting; For All Sorts of Pet Upsets
Animal First Aid Essence. Animals (wild and domestic) respond extremely well to vibrational essences. This blend is a great broad spectrum harmonizer, and is especially nice for helping pets adjust to travel or environment changes. (Wonderful for welcoming a new animal family member, especially those with a potentially traumatic past.) Social dynamics, training, and overall temperament and wellbeing have also shown improvement with this blend. It can aid in speeding the recovery process (use on wounds), and can be soothing for pets getting ready to make their transition.
Add to drinking water/food/supplements/shampoo, drop on paws or behind the ears, or rub in hands and pet animal.
Essences: Balance and Stability (Habenaria), Be Nurtured (White Ceanothus), Faith and Courage (Odontoglossum), Nature Communion (Trichoceros parviflorum), Star of Bethlehem, Whale Time (Grandfather Gray Whale), Kyanite and Clear Quartz
Base: 80% Activated Sacred Healing Water / 20% vodka as a preservative.
Magical Happy Pet
We’ve been using the Happy Pet Essence for years whether it’s cats, dogs, rabbits or horses all the animals love it. It’s amazing how quickly it will calm them and at times it’s miraculous. I’ll rub it on them or spray them with it and always put it in their water and sometimes their food. We will often take it with them and we all enjoy this family bonding. When my beloved 17 year old kitty Cosmo was dying I would mix a bottle with water and pour it in my hand and he would lap it up and ask for more. His last few days he quit eating but would eagerly lap up a palmful of Essence and often ask for more sometimes several in a row. It was so beautiful and touching and I’m so grateful I could nurture him in that way. It’s been a tremendous help with our feral kitten Ruby she loves to lick it off my fingers and I know it’s helped her adjust to life inside and to the other animals especially the dogs. Our newest dog Suzette was brought over by her former owner and she was so sad we felt bad for her but she has quickly adjusted as I knew she would and is now another very Happy Pet. Thank you Star for all your magical Essences!💜
Destressing the doggie
I myself have used Starr essences in the past for a mindful conscious shift. Started with fireworks during Fourth of July and yet people are still lighting off explosions at night the dog is very stressed we worked on her grounding. Happy pet spray Came to the rescue!
Happy Puppy
Happy Pet tincture drops in our new puppy’s water bowl or a few drops directly into his mouth is a gentle, supportive way to help our sweet little guy calm down when is over-tired or overly anxious. Your furry loved one may find it helpful, too!
We have a small rescue sanctuary in Southern California. From time to time we have to get 20+ cats into cages so that we can evacuate when given the "high sign." Probably half of these cats have been through being in the house when it was on fire and being rescued. They KNOW what is happening and they are doubly frightened. I spray their cages down with the HAPPY PET spray and the bedding inside...they calm down almost immediately! Last time they spent 9 hours in cages at the front door and they were calm and quiet! In addition, one of our cats is diabetic. This requires more trips to the Vet than either of us would like. When I had run out of our HAPPY PET spray, she would paw and paw at the cage door, *** in the cage and be a wreck by the time we got there. Since I have been spraying her cage down the same way as I described before, she is quite and so much calmer. I cannot praise this product enough...give it a try and you will be so happy you did you will tell everyone else about it! Marlene Dantzer