Peaceful Sleep
Deep Beauty Rest; Lullaby for the Active Mind
Pleasant Slumber
This blend can help to relieve and relax the mental, emotional, and physical bodies, facilitating a sound, restful sleep. You can also use topically on third eye and stomach, or as guided.
Add to tea or water and sip an hour or more prior to bedtime, and also take drops directly before sleeping.
Essences: Aspen, Balance and Stability (Habenaria), Earth Is My Heaven (Sweet Pea), Full Moonlight(Lavender), Charoite, Chrysoprase, Green Moonstone, Howlite, Hypothalamus Modulator, Lapis Lazuli and Lepidolite
Base: 80% Activated Sacred Healing Water / 20% vodka as a preservative.
So far, seems to be working!
Sleep has overall improved significantly since i started this 2 weeks ago—after 2 plus years of terrible sleep and trying everything. Still up and down because of current stressors and environmental disruption, but definitely on the upswing! Fingers crossed...
Husband sleeps through the niht, peacefully!
Amazing! My husband is a light sleeper. I got this for him. He takes several drops befpore bed, and sleeps well for the night. IF he wakes up, he takes a few more drops, and back off to sleep he goes!
An option to consider.
Most of the time, this essence did the job of providing peaceful sleep. It has done the most consistent job of all of the other options I have tried for my insomnia. Yes, I would recommend it to a friend. I still have a hard time believing it has worked as well as it has.