$ 20.00 USD
Chakra Gem Collection

Express Your Life Purpose; Solar Plexus, Pituitary

Yellow sapphire brings in the gold light from the halo above the head. It resonates with Cosmic Truth and love for others. It speaks of the wise counselor who brings warmth, nourishment, empathy and inspiration for one's brothers and sisters. Its instinctive nature is of service. Gold is a master teacher, teaching through grace, so that one can express the soul's beauty in words, thoughts and communications. Love radiates from gold. The band of Kumara Angels infused this yellow sapphire essence with their frequencies of wisdom, exultation, illumination and Christ like qualities.

Anatomy keywords: intestinal tract, stomach, pituitary, eyes, heart, kidneys, gland regulation, blood disorders, bleeding, veins, nutrient assimilation, detoxification, spleen, liver, gallbladder