Brave Heart
Penka Penqa / Gentiana sedifolia Peruvian Flower
Happy Survivor; Courage and Confidence; Move Forward Gracefully
From the base of Apu Ausangate in the High Andes of Peru. Addresses Post Traumatic Stress. Flourish in the face of adversity. Fosters courage, encourages confidence- helpful for those who are shy or timid. Helps to express pent-up Love. Realize happiness. Move forward feeling graceful, gracious, safe.
Brave Heart is an ingredient in: Leap of Faith Spray.
Courage to be still
During this virus pandemic; my heart was on edge- but after making my own mixture with I remember, and balance and stability; i am able to stand my ground(after never thinking I would be capable of standing up for myself or safety ever again due to multie brutal assaults from childhood- until a few weeks ago)-but I did. I took risks with people I never thought to try before; and when I did- it opened far more doors to my future, and i am content with my decisions instead of waffling on it- I am far .ore direct and succinct, and can hear higher self far more clearly