The Feng Shui of Vibrational Essences: Primary Medicine for the 21st Century

Star Essence

By H.H. Dr. Cleeretta Henderson Smiley

Every person, place, condition and thing has a vibrational essence. In Feng Shui everything is seen or considered as a "Chi" qualifier, whether harmonious or disharmonious. Today I shall confine my message to Star Essence Flower and Gemstone Essences considered as powerful enhancers of individuals and spaces.

In the Eagle News 6/21/2000 I wrote an article on New Medicine for a New Humanity. It has been said plants will become the medicinals, healers and teachers of tomorrow. We at Smiley's Holistic Feng Shui Institute have started viewing Feng Shui and Healing in a different light and in a new way as it pertains to healing of self and environment for goal attainment. Through research and search for the best curatives to yield the greatest return, we now realize the Star Essences- made and marketed by a pure natural nature Healing Channel, Star Riparetti of Santa Barbara, CA., and Roger Valencia of Peru- are powerfully supreme for the healing of self and the environment. The Star Essences are used internally and externally by individuals and sprayed in spaces, put in water for laundering of clothes, sprayed on plants, used for clearing crystals, or in any capacity that you use water. The difference here is the potency of the Andean Orchids and other plants used as curatives.

Star Essence has produced over [250] different channeled products that will assist one to get beyond any stuck area of life. For example, the Peruvian Flower Essence Collection consists of: About Face, I Am Generosity, I Am Gratitude, Integration, Purification, Master Teacher, Mango Paradise (Celebration of Life in the Physical Form), Strength and Chi, etc. The Ancient Lemuria Santa Barbara Flower Essence Collection offers Be Nurtured, Creation/Focus, Dance, Deep Breath, Early Bloomer, Emancipation, For Giving, Full Moonlight, God/Goddess Unity, Graceful Shift, Inner Guru, I Remember, Let Go and Trust, Light Navigator, Magic Healer, Pure Joy, Male Strength and Sweet New Beginnings, among others. Examples of the Gemstone Essence Collection are Green Tourmaline (very male), Lavender (borderless), Moonstone (Emotional Balance), Spinel (Good Luck), Tanzanite (Brain Vision of Love), Yellow Cat's Eye (Angelic Connection), and Yellow Tourmaline (Illuminating, Stimulating and Inspiring).

Mention has been made of 33 of the Essences available Channeled direct. There are many more to assist and facilitate any facet of life on any of the 100 or more senses a person might want to master for more harmonious living. As a Holistic Health Practitioner doubly Board Certified as a Health Care Expert I have been using the products of which I speak and have found them to clear out any memory from any facet of my being and environment when used as suggested and the way they are suggested. Health Care in the New Millennium is wearing a different Constitutional Make-up than in the last century. All curatives must be used in a balanced integrative way where they can find their center and be in one accord with the rest of the Chi in a space or a place.

We have learned how to integrate the face/body/space guas to validate the findings of blocked chi in the body and know what is the corresponding area in the home and what level of the home to check out and what gua on the level to balance holistically. This is the power of a search and a solution found in part in Star Essences and all of the other curatives used to restore health in the body and in the space to accomplish any objective or goal we desire. Through faith and intent goals can be accomplished as we expect as a result of right application and right placement of environmental curatives in spaces and on and in the body.

The Angel Rejuvenation Spray and Crystal Clear Spray are good for Sacred Space Clearing, before reading the house. They both are in a base of distilled activated healing water. The Crystal Clear Spray leaves the aura of the person and the home lifted to a higher vibration, unleashes clarity, smiles and angelic presences. The Angel Rejuvenation Spray makes the Angels more apparent in the environment. It is always good to spray the hands. It is always good to spray the hands after spraying the individuals and rooms.

As I said before there are some [200] other Star Essences to be investigated for body and space usage as Primary Medicinals to balance the Chi and create a harmonious flow of Heaven on Earth. What a safe way to remain healthy without negative side effects!