12 Essences for a Happy, Stress-Free Holiday Season

Brandy Oswald

Happy Holidays

The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes a wild whirling of emotions. It’s a beautiful melange of joy and stress. From family gatherings, to hanging decorations, to holiday parties, it seems there’s always something to do and somewhere to be. During a time of year that brings such immense joy and gratitude, we often find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.

Allow gemstone and flower essences to transform your holiday season by raising your frequency and promoting harmony, balance, gratitude, and joy. Adding vibrational essences to your holiday season assists in releasing the stress and embracing all of the joyful moments that we are blessed to experience this time of year.

Today, we’re bringing you 12 essences for a happy, stress-free holiday season. We’ve outlined these essences by their ability to promote gratitude, joy, family harmony, and balance. Happy Holidays, Starry Friends!


Essences for Gratitude

I Am Gratitude

This Peruvian flower essence is great for raising the octave of love during the holiday season. Whether it’s at the family holiday party, the dinner table, or while giving and receiving holiday gifts - this essence will infuse you and your loved ones with abundance and gratitude. Add this essence to your holiday traditions and not only experience gratitude, but BE gratitude!



This Golden Bach flower essence is a powerful supporter of gratitude, joy, and emotional equilibrium. When families gather, and the holidays are upon us, emotions tend to be high. It’s a beautiful and messy melange of joy, gratitude, love, and stress. Using the mustard essence will help keep emotions balanced this holiday season, while enhancing feelings of gratitude and joy.

BONUS: Click here to get an insider’s look at the making of the Mustard Essence with Star Essence Founder, Star Riparetti!


Loving Thoughts

Keep a positive perspective and an open heart this holiday season with our Loving Thoughts essence blend. It supports optimistic, loving thoughts, which allow us to recognize and express gratitude for all of the blessings in our lives.


Essences for Joy

Celebration Blessings Spray

Celebrate the joy of the holiday season with our Celebration Blessings Spray. This essence blend is perfect for ceremonies and celebrations of all kinds. It makes everything happier. Spritz it at your family holiday party, at your office holiday party, and at all of your celebratory gatherings this holiday season.


Pure Joy

This magnificent orange blossom flower essence promotes enthusiasm, euphoria, and pure joy. Use it this holiday season to keep spirits high and joy abundant. Oh, did we mention it is the perfect addition to party punches!



Dance, our essence from the vibrant, red bougainvillea flower, supports grace and brilliance. It will get you flowing gracefully with life, while adding some vibrancy to your dance moves. This is a great essence to get you and the family moving gracefully during the holidays.


Essences for Family Harmony

Otter Delight

As our only animal essence on this list, Otter Delight supports family harmony and joyful play. It encourages heightened self-love, ensuring that you are able to give love this holiday season. Add this essence to your holiday traditions to strengthen family bonds and promote family playtime!


Holy Harmony Spray

Given the intensity of emotions and obligations that arise during the holiday season, allow our Holy Harmony Spray to offer some much needed peace and harmony. This essence blend is both soothing and healing, allowing you to stay calm and collected despite high emotions during the holidays. It has a simultaneously relaxing and uplifting blend of lavender and fennel essential oils. The perfect essence blend for some serenity now!


Art of Gentle Communication

If there is one thing that instantly improves family harmony, it’s gentle communication. With our Art of Gentle Communication calendula flower essence, encourage softer, more positive communication this holiday season. This essence will bring a calm, healing energy to your family as they gather for a joyous holiday.


Balance & Ease

Balance and Stability

Balance and ease are not necessarily sentiments that we associate with the holiday season. Release stress this year and return to a state of balance and harmony with our Balance and Stability essence. It is a great essence for feeling balanced in your environment, especially during times of stress. This essence is also great for children and animals. Say hello to balance and stability for the whole family!


Quintessential Balance

This broad spectrum stabilizer quickly returns equilibrium to those who use it. It’s anti-stress properties are great when you are feeling  off-center and in need of balance and ease. Bring quintessential balance to the entire family including kids, pets, and plants!



Lastly, we have the Azurite/Malachite gemstone essence for loving tolerance. This essence creates a willingness to listen, relate, and communicate while remaining in the heart space. Keep your family vibrating in the octave of love and tolerance this holiday season with this powerful gemstone essence.


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4 Back-to-School Essences for Kids & Students (Don't worry parents, we've got something for you too!)

Brandy Oswald

It’s that time of year again - the dog days of summer are coming to a close and the new school year is just around the corner. With the back-to-school frenzy upon us, it is easy for parents to feel overwhelmed by all there is to do to prepare their kiddies for the new semester ahead.

While parents are feeling a bit frantic and chaotic, the kiddos are often equal parts excited to see their friends and dreading the return of homework. For parents and children, alike, emotions are high and, in the blink of an eye, the easy, laid-back pace of summer has suddenly disappeared.

Now more than ever, it is important to come back to self-care - for mom, dad, kiddos, and all the great support persons going through the back-to-school transition. Yoga class, gym days, family bike rides, story time - whatever it is, prioritizing re-invigorating, rejuvenating activities for the entire family is essential.

Perhaps it goes without saying, but our favorite way to manage the potentially hectic back-to-school days is with flower and gem essences. Here are our top picks for a smooth, peaceful transition into the new school year - we’ve got essences for the kids, and a few for mom and dad, too!

4 Back-to-School Essences for Kids & Students

1. Brilliant Student

Snapshot: For studying, creativity, alertness, and public speaking

Support intellectual and artistic endeavors, while enhancing concentration and alertness with our Brilliant Student Constellation. With this essence blend, students can cultivate a greater sense of inspiration, passion, and clear direction. It is also brilliant for public speaking, test-taking, presentations, and artistic expression. Take on the new school year with vigor and heightened creativity!


2. Attention Formula

Snapshot: Improves concentration, assists with relaxation, and assists with ADD & ADHD

Remain attentive, focused, and relaxed this school year with Attention Formula. This blend has been shown to offer incredible support to children and adults living with ADD & ADHD. It’s Peruvian rose salt base helps to balance minerals, while its fava flower essence holds a connection with L-Dopamine.

No more drifting, nodding off during class, or fidgeting in your seat this school year!

3. Happy Kid

Snapshot: Nurturing, Balancing and Soothing. Contains no alcohol.

With its ability to balance and calm challenging situations, this gentle, nurturing blend is designed specifically for children. Its joyful, loving influence can inspire positive dynamics between siblings and playmates, as well as with parents and other authority figures. As the kiddos transition into a new school year, their relationships with their siblings and parents can become strained by the new schedules, obligations, and school yard dynamics. Children are especially sensitive to energy and respond quickly to this formula, making it the perfect solution to help the whole family get along during the back-to-school frenzy!

Happy Kid is available in both Constellation drops and Spray formats. Or pair them!

4. Celebration

Snapshot: Fun party essence, for ceremonies and unplanned jubilation

Support good vibes and celebratory energy this school year with the vibrant Celebration essence. Who says back-to-school time has to be all frenzy and no fun?! Infuse the transition into the new school year with joy and celebration. After all, the kiddos get to see their friends every day and return to their favorite after-school sports and clubs - there is fun to be had!

Celebration is available in both Constellation drops and Spray formats. Or pair them!

2 Back-to-School Essences For Parents and Support Persons

1. Mother and Child ReUnion / Mariposa Lily

Snapshot: Supports maternal bonding

Encourage mother-child bonding at any age with our Mariposa Lily flower essence. Embrace your mother-child relationship with tenderness, trust, unconditional love and gentle mercy. Facilitates deep healing and inner resolution when needed. This incredible essence even supports healthy female dynamics with family members of all generations (sister, aunt, niece, in-laws, grandmother). This one is for all the stressed out, back-to-school mamas out there who are missing their kiddos as they return to school!


2. Impatiens

Snapshot: Encourages patience, understanding and trust in divine timing

Moms, dads, and support persons, enter into the new school year calmly and gently with the Impatiens flower essence. This essence is perfect to those looking to go with the flow, create space for things to unfold, and have faith that things are working out just as they are meant to. With this essence you will remain calm, not frantically rushing from one thing to the next. Slow down, chill out, and enjoy the vibrant energy of the back-to-school season!


 All Back-to-School essences are 44% off thru the end of September.


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