Dumortierite, Indigo
Self Mastery; Headaches
This essence contains both blue and purple Dumortierite, boosting an already pronounced influence on the throat, third eye and crown chakras. It resonates with empowerment and self mastery, as well as the psychic, spiritual and mental realms. Stimulating to the brain, it can enhance our intellectual abilities and address both mathematical and language-based pursuits (great for studying). Our extrasensory gifts may also be amplified and developed, for example clairvoyance, claircognizance, psychokinesis, channeling and automatic writing. We can experience greater accuracy in hearing and interpreting the voice of the Divine, including guides and angels (especially when using this essence regularly). Dumortierite also relates to willpower and the ability to take control of our own lives. Thus, addictions can be addressed, including insights into the underlying reasons for the addictive behavior. This stone can also be supportive for healing patterns of codependency and other karmic relationship issues. Patience, discernment, wisdom, acceptance.
Anatomy keywords: headaches, nausea/vomiting, cramp, colic, diarrhea, epilepsy, sunburn, hypersensitivity