$ 22.00 USD $ 0.00 USD
Focused & Peaceful

Helps with ADD and ADHD; Assists with Relaxation; Can Improve Concentration

Assists one in staying attentive, focused, relaxed and peaceful. This blend has been reported to be of great value to children and adults diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Its special base is formulated with Peruvian Rose Salt, which along with the 3 Coral essences in this blend, helps to balance minerals. The Fava flower essence has a connection to L-Dopamine.

Essences: Balance and Stability (Habenaria)Be Nurtured (White Ceanothus)Creation/Focus (Jacaranda)Divine Child (Ponthieva montaña)Inocencia Coca (Coca)Strength and Chi (Fava), 3 Corals: PinkRed, and WhiteChrysoprase, and Purple Sugilite

Base: 80% Activated Sacred Healing Water / 20% vodka as a preservative, with Peruvian Rose Salt.

Please Note: Attention Formula contains a very special ingredient, Peruvian Rose Salt, which gives it a salty taste. Most people enjoy this, though if you find it too intense, you may dilute the essence with water without affecting the potency.