Carnelian, Orange
Chakra Gem Collection
Inspires Creativity; Women's Reproductive System, Men's Prostate
Carnelian increases access to prana by clearing energy paths and offers us motivation and vitality. Shakti and Sai Baba came to infuse their energy into this essence, which stimulates and awakens the creative force and helps us focus on our goals. It magnetizes harmonious thoughts. Orange Carnelian enhances attunement with the inner self and it grounds energy into the physical.
Anatomy keywords: reproductive system (fertility, impotence, frigidity), metabolism, lower back pain, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, blood supply, gall stones, kidney stones, colds, vitamin and mineral absorption
Carnelian is an ingredient in: Radiant Sensuality.
Carnelian Essence
A wonderful product! I was so excited to receive it in the mail! I look forward to adding it to my water every day.
Harmonize your thoughts
Using the Carnelian Essence has helped me better organize my thoughts and insights are much clearer. I am working on 3 books of poetry at once - the word flow and ideas come much more easily. I was taking many, many supplements but I feel greater nourishment from food without taking as many supplements. Thank you so much for this beautiful essence.
carnelian creativity
Carnelian gem essence is a beautiful support to use to emmanate and expand the frequency of our sovereign Christed selves standing in our full creative potential at this sacred time as we rebirth the the Womb of our Mother Earth and return to a state of sovereign Christ consciousness.