$ 24.00 USD

Size: 2 oz. glass bottle with spray top

Spread Your Wings!

Calm and Confident; Bolsters Sense of Certainty, Strength, and Wisdom

Inspires trust and confidence in oneself, and the universe. A wonderful spray for supporting the development of new ideas and dreams, and especially for taking action on them! This blend also supports the release and transmutation of outworn thoughts or patterns that aren't in alignment with your new flight path. Feel courageous, empowered and buoyed with faith as you take the leap... and spread your wings! 

Spray your heart, your feet, your face- or spray above the head, letting it sprinkle down over the body.

Essences: Brave Heart (Penka Penqa), Cerato, Faith and Courage (Odontoglossum), Let Go and Trust (Oregano), Strength and Chi (Fava), Violet Flame (Lupine), Mother of Pearl, Rhodonite, Yellow Aventurine, and Fly Like an Eagle

Essential Oils: Clary Sage, Cardamom and Cedarwood

Base: Activated Sacred Healing Water (no alcohol)